I completed my studies in the United Kingdom, obtaining a bachelor's degree in philosophy and history at the University of Exeter and a master's degree in modern European history at the University of Oxford. Thanks to Erasmus+ I also spent one year at Radboud Universiteit in the Netherlands. Regarding my research, I mainly focused on the period of the communist regime in Czechoslovakia. I prefer modern historical methods, typical for their strong interdisciplinary overlaps with philosophy, sociology, and anthropology. My domain at the institute is historical analysis of the democratic development in Czech society.


Studie, analýzy, videa. Všechny příspěvky autora od těch nejnovějších.
Demokracie a svoboda
Mýtus jménem Masaryk: Díl 2. - Masaryk a politika
V minulém článku jsme mluvili o snaze spojovat protikladné koncepty jako o jednom z nejtypičtějších rysů filozofie...
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